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Found 6 matches for: 'M. C. Botha' (results sorted by Title). Click the Title for full details.
1: Skertse
M. C. Botha  - (author)
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (book jacket by)
2: Die Hartklop van Gevoel
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (book jacket by)
M. C. Botha  - (author)
3: Batt 155 (2) [squared]
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (featured artist)
M. C. Botha  - (photographer)
4: POOF in FOOK Studio, Giotto's Hill c. 1976
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (featured artist)
M. C. Botha  - (photographer)
5: Six nude photographs of M. C. Botha
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (photographs by)
M. C. Botha  - (photographs of)
6: Pomp 11
Hendrik Venter  - (edited by)
M. C. Botha  - (essay by)

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